Thursday, January 29, 2009

When It Rains

No time like the present to ramble on this thing. I napped entirely too much today wrapped in the arms of a beautiful but ill young woman and am suffering for it in the dead of the night. Speaking of that young woman, we spent most of Sunday at the hospital due to whatever it is that is causing her to feel on the verge of blacking out for hours on end. There was nothing I could really do but offer my support and the occasional hand squeeze when needed but according to her it was more than enough. Every time she tells me how wonderful or thoughtful I am I admit that I cringe a little. I'm not at all used to such praise, especially when it's for doing something that I see no alternative course of action for. What kind of man would I be if I left the poor dear by herself in the hospital and stayed home playing Rock Band 2 or some other idiotic venture?

So when I went into work on Tuesday there was a notice up on the community board informing us that all salaried workers (ie. management) have taken a pay cut. A lengthy explanation dripping with business jargon and promises of the positive nature of corporate restructuring followed. It took everything I had not to spit on the paper. Later that same day they laid off about a dozen people, some of which had been there longer than I have. This doesn't make sense for a number of reasons. We're currently in the midst of our busiest time of the year and with the two month long public transportation strike we are struggling to stay on top of our workload as it is. They also have about twenty to thirty temp workers there whose contracts could simply have not been renewed as opposed to letting go staff that know the job inside and out and have been doing it for years. Needless to say I have dusted off my resume and am again applying to other agencies in both a similar field and a few retail outlets well outside my comfort zone. Hopefully my need for full time employment will be moot anyway come the fall.

Oh, that's right, I should have mentioned. I finally nutted up and applied for university. Because I'm a mature student I have to provide supplemental materials including a letter to each institution outlining for them exactly who the eff I think I am and why in God's name should they bother letting me into their respective Psychology programs. I finished the letter today and hopefully they will appreciate my candor and honesty throughout. Still waiting on admission packages from the two of them so I find out exactly where I am supposed to send some paperwork and such but that should be in my mailbox sometime this week if not early next week.

I've been toying with the idea of using the video recording function of my digital camera to set up a video blog on YouTube but given the frequency with which this blog is updated I doubt I will have any worthwhile material to share with the world at large. There are only so many times I can sit down and talk about how much I hate the Internet, the advancement of technology versus humanity, how the world is going to end sooner rather than later, why no one in their right mind should be using animals in any way, or how great it feels to have finally met someone that loves me for the complete putz that I am.

Leisure time has been given up to potlucks, post-holiday Secret Santa gift exchanges, laying down the funkiest of bass lines in Rock Band 2, cooking delicious foods with my lady, taking long walks in terrible weather with only my iPod and the swelling of songs left unsung to keep me warm, and failing to paint that picture that I've been working on since the fall.

Transmission ends.

P.S. I don't usually listen to anything I would consider mainstream or even remotely popular, even so far as composition and arrangement is concerned, but I haven't been able to get this song out of my head for the past couple of days. I desperately want somewhere quiet and sound dampening where I can belt it out. It's been way too long since I've been able to sing anything at what I would consider a reasonable volume. This is not something you can do under your breath or in the shower.

Stay tuned for future posts about the best present I've gotten in the past while, my stance on the OC Transpo strike, my Oscar crusade, and much much less.

Not Dead Yet