Monday, February 16, 2009

Economic Downturn

Any conversation that begins with a phrase like "I shouldn't be telling you this" or "you didn't hear this from me" can only go downhill quite quickly. Thus was the case on Friday when my supervisor pulled me aside as I was getting ready to head home and let me know that I should spend the weekend updating my resume and looking at want ads because a round of layoffs were coming on Tuesday and, heads up, I would be one of the people let go. I don't know that he was expecting the reaction he got: a nice broad smile and "sweet, finally, thanks."

Generally I need a swift kick in the rear in order to make changes in my life. I've hated where I work for the past year or so because after some quick promotions - more like lateral movements - I realized there wasn't really anywhere else I could go in the company. Not that I really care about moving up the Corporate Ladder(TM) or anything like that. I just hate being bored when I'm working so I like to get more responsibility and learn new things. I was at that job far longer than I wanted to be and only really dipped my toe in the ocean of other employment opportunities but after that brief conversation on Friday I spent the following couple of days applying to about two dozen different positions. Mostly in office settings because that's where my experience is. When the hammer actually comes down tomorrow, though, I shall broaden my search to include those few retail outlets that I could work at without wanting to stab my eyes out. I'm not really concerned with finances and such as I have some money in the bank and a fairly hefty paycheque to come if they put a rush on adding my vacation pay to that final score.

All in all I'm pretty happy about it. I mean, it could be a lot worse. I could have worked for this guy:


Ruthy said...

sweet! finally. thanks.

I'll settle for nothing less than you working in the little bookstore next to the bytowne. yea?

oh i don't know if you care. but they've made a mistake. Dragonball evolution movie. mistake. it's very near and dear to me. now i know how all those LOTR nerds feel...actually THIS IS WORSE.

oh last night I dreamed I was a black grandmotherly type out of the 50's fighting segregation at max's barbershop.

Malachi Constant said...

I have indeed seen the trailer for the Dragonball movie and as a former follower of DBZ it made me wretch and writhe in ways I didn't think possible. I don't know about the little bookstore next to the Bytowne as that seems a one man show, but I have applied to a Chapters/Indigo or two and more shall be forthcoming now that I have printed off a bunch of resumes.

Ruthy said...

open your own little bookstore nextdoor to his bookstore. then when the timing`s right. we move in. Man I wonder what that guy does other than run a bookstore....write that story so I can find out.